Professor Ntsoaki Malebo holds a PhD in Microbiology from the University of the Free State, a Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education from Rhodes University, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership Development from Stellenbosch University. She is the Senior Director at the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching responsible for overseeing the units responsible for academic staff and student development including the disability unit at the Central University of Technology (CUT), Free State, South Africa.

She coordinates the iKudu Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project at CUT. She is a National Research Foundation grant holder registered as a Professional Natural Scientist with SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions). She is currently involved in academic staff development, a project coordinator for the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa Academic Development Leaders Special Interest Group. She supervises students at Masters and Doctoral level in the field of Food Safety with a research focus in the use of indigenous knowledge systems for food preservation. She has published work in peer reviewed journals and presented at local and international conferences. She is a consultant on this project.