Dr Marina Orsini-Jones is Professor of Global Higher Education Practice (Applied Linguistics) in the Research Centre for Global Learning at Coventry University (UK). She has contributed to over 100 conferences (including as invited key-note speaker) and has published work in her areas of expertise that include blended learning and Collaborative Online International Learning/Virtual Exchange. She is associate editor for the International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IGI) and for the International Journal of Virtual Exchange (University of Groningen Press).
She is an expert in the internationalisation of the curriculum at home and has led numerous Global South-North COIL/VE research projects with partners based in Brazil, China, France, Mexico, Spain, Sri Lanka, The Netherlands, Türkiye and Vietnam.
Marina supervises numerous doctoral students, including students on co-tutelle doctoral programmes with Higher Education Institutions in Brazil and Australia. She is one of the Co-Lead Investigator on this project, with Dr Finardi and Dr Jacobs.