Dr Kyria Finardi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Languages, Culture and Education (DLCE) and a researcher in the post-graduate program of Education (PPGE) of the Federal Universityof Espírito Santo (UFES), in Vitória, Brazil, where she is also a member of the Permanent Board of Internationalization.
At the undergraduate level, her teaching focuses on pre-service English language teacher education and at the post-graduate level it focuses on aspects related to languages in the production of knowledge, multilingualism, decolonial perspectives, language policies in higher education, the useof technology in education and internationalization. She has an extensive list of publications including the books English in Brazil and English in the South. Most of her publications are open access and can be viewed at https://www.kyriafinardi.com/en/artigos.
Dr Finardi was the President of the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics (ALAB) 2018-2019, is the co-founder and co-coordinator of the Ibero-America Association of Applied Linguistics (AIALA) https://aila.info/about/regionalization/aila-ibero-america/and is the vice-president of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) https://aila.info/about/organization/executive_board/.
She co-created and co-chairs the AILA Research Network English as a Medium of Education, Multilingualism and the SDGs: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.